Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What is Success ?

I always wonder – Who is successful in this world? Is it Bill Gates – c’mon yaar he has everything one can imagine. So, is it money that makes a man successful? Or is it people like Dalai Lama or Mother Teressa – they have done such good deeds.

What’s the parameter a man is judged upon to be termed successful? Is it money, fame, glamour, deeds or is it the inner self. Most of profiles you visit on a social networking site would say – “I live my life to the fullest” or “Live life king-size” or “I live every moment of life”. Does anybody know how a life has to be lived? So many like us have come into this world and went away. How many of them r remembered now – perhaps just a handful. Does it mean that all the rest were useless or ‘unsuccessful’ in their life!!

Before I die how I will know whether I was successful in my life or not!! If I have a six digit salary, luxurious cars, a royal bungalow – do they qualify me to be termed successful!! Honestly- I don’t know and I don’t care - what people say. For me, if my parents say “Beta, we r proud of you” – I would know that my life has been successful.
